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Bexit, cos'è? - Page 2

Mercoledì, 30 Gennaio 2019
UK says Goobay to UE Brexit Background vector created by starline - www.freepik.com

Sei confuso in merito alla terminologia? Impara il linguaggio della Brexit grazie alla nostra lettura intermedia completa di domande e risposte.

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Brexit: comprehension questions and answers

1. According to the results of the UK Referendum of 23rd June 2016, what percentage of the people wanted to stay in the EU, and what percentage wanted to leave?

48% wanted to stay and 52% wanted to leave.

2. What official step began the leaving process?

Article 50 was triggered.

3. What is the difference between a hard Brexit and a soft Brexit?

A hard Brexit means that there is little cooperation over justice, home affairs or security and trade and travel are difficult. A soft Brexit is where the UK stays in the Single Market and retains the free movement of people arrangement. Therefore, people, goods and services can still move easily within Europe.

4. What is the British Prime Minister's description of the type of Brexit best for the whole of Britain?

A red, white and blue Brexit.

5. If Mrs May is unable to get approval for her proposed Withdrawal Agreement in time, what will happen on 29th March 2019?

 Britain will leave the EU without a deal in place, there will be no transition period and EU laws will no longer apply to Britain.



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published in Graded Reading 2019
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Ultima modifica il Martedì, 12 Febbraio 2019 08:28