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Tre attrazioni turistiche imperdibili fuori Londra - Answers

Lunedì, 02 Luglio 2018
Warwick Castle 3 'must do' visitor attractions outside London: Warwick Castle This image by Kdsphotos from Pixabay.com is licensed under the CC0 license

Tre attrazioni turistiche imperdibili che devi vedere prima di lasciare il Regno Unito. Completa il nostro esercizio di reading comprehension a livello alto intermedio con domande e risposte.

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3 'must do' visitor attractions outside London - Comprehension questions and answers

1. What natural phenomena caused the formation of the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland 60 million years ago?

 Volcanic eruptions

2. If you want to make a wish at the Wishing Chair stones, what actions do you have to take?

Wiggle 4 times before you sit down on the stones, rub the stone to your left with your left hand, close your eyes and make your wish.

3. Where is the Alton Towers Theme Park?

In Staffordshire in the heart of England.

4. What is the name of Alton Towers' newest attraction and what material is it made from?

The Wicker Man wooden rollercoaster ride.

5.Were the 2017 annual visitor figures for Alton Towers higher than the figures for 2016?

Yes, the 2017 visitor figures were  1% higher than those for 2016.

6.The trebuchet at Warwick Castle is made from 300 pieces of oak. What is oak?

It is a type of wood from the oak tree which is commonly found growing in most parts of Britain.

7. What is the name of the major river running through Warwick?

The River Avon.
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 04 Luglio 2018 10:35