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I misteri dello slang Cockney svelati - Answers

Mercoledì, 06 Giugno 2018
Woman holding an apple and a pear Apples and pears: a Cockney phrase for 'stairs' This image by pexels.com from Pixabay.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Le origini e l'uso dello slang Cockney. I misteri di questa lingua svelati nella nostra reading comprehension a livello avanzato con domande e risposte.

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The Mysteries of Cockney Rhyming Slang explained: Comprehension Questions and Answers

Answer to Task A

"Would you believe it! I'm rubbing my eyes.  We've only gone and won the lottery! This time it's not just a fiver!  I think we should celebrate with a dance at the pub.  We'll have a slap-up meal, starting with some soup, and then the wife and the daughter can wear out their feet on the dance floor.  I'll get on the phone and book the best venue.  It doesn't matter about the rent.  We've got plenty of  money.   I'll even buy myself a shiny new pair of shoes and a smart shirt with a tie to match."

Answer to Task B

1. Is it true that the origins of Cockney rhyming  slang lie in the early 19th Century?  

Yes, it dates from the 1840s.

2. Explain briefly how Cockney rhyming  slang phrases are created.

A two-word expression including a rhyming word is substituted for the real word but in speech the rhyme is often omitted.

3. What are used in most new additions to Cockney rhyming slang?

The names of current celebrities or famous people.

4. Explain why the Cockney rhyming  slang phrase meaning incorrect is 'Pete Tong'.

Pete Tong creates a rhyme with the word 'wrong', a synonym of incorrect.

5. When a Cockney refers to his 'plates' what does he mean?

'Plates' is short for 'plates of meat' which means 'feet'.

6. Which comedy sketch by The Two Ronnies provides a rich example of Cockney rhyming slang?

The sketch entitled 'Rhyming Slang Sermon'
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