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Il matrimonio di Harry e Meghan sarà meganviglioso! - Answers

Martedì, 20 Marzo 2018
Il matrimonio di Harry e Meghan sarà meganviglioso! - Answers This picture by Mark Jones is licenced under the Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul Royal Wedding il 19 Maggio 2018. Leggi la nostra reading comprehension a livello elementare con domande e risposte.

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Wedding of Harry and Meghan: comprehension questions and answers

1.  How did Prince Harry meet Meghan Markle?

A friend in London introduced them to each other.

2.  Where did the main diamond in the engagement ring come from?

From the country of Botswana.

3.  When did Harry and Megan get the opportunity to get to know each other well?

When they went camping for 5 days together during Harry's trip to Botswana.

4.  How do we know the Queen's dogs like Meghan?

They come and lay quietly on her feet during tea.
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published in Letture graduate 2018
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Ultima modifica il Martedì, 29 Maggio 2018 14:40