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Proveresti queste specialità inglesi? - Answers

Venerdì, 16 Marzo 2018
Proveresti queste specialità inglesi? - Answers This image by mhburton from Pixabay is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Scopri gli ingredienti di questi piatti britannici dal nome strano leggendo la nostra reading comprehension a livello pre-intermedio con domande e risposte.

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Would you taste these British foods? - Comprehension questions

1.  Why is 'bubble and squeak' called by this name?

Because the vegetables make these funny noises as they cook.

2.  What is the year of the oldest recipe for bubble and squeak?


3.  What is the main ingredient of porridge?

Crushed oatmeal

4.  What part of the sheep is the principal ingredient of haggis?

The sheep's heart
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published in Letture graduate 2018
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Ultima modifica il Sabato, 17 Marzo 2018 11:23