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Cibo inglese - Amarlo o odiarlo? - Answers

Lunedì, 18 Settembre 2017
Scones Scones Sam Edwards

Cosa rende la Full English Breakfast così deliziosa? Diamo un'occhiata al cibo tradizionale inglese con questo esercizio di reading comprehension con domande e riposte.

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British food - Comprehension questions and answers

1.  What extra item do you often find in a cooked breakfast in Scotland>

 A special sausage called black pudding.

2.  In a Devon Cream Tea do you spread the cream onto the scone before the jam?

Yes, you do.

3.  What are the main three ingredients inside a Cornish pasty?

It is meat, vegetables and spice.
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published in Letture Graduate 2017
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 11:46