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Perchè questo coniglietto è associato alla Pasqua? - Answers

Lunedì, 20 Febbraio 2017
What has the bunny rabbit got to do with Easter? What has the bunny rabbit got to do with Easter? This image by mike in pexels.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Ti sei mai chiesto perchè i coniglietti sono associati alla Pasqua? Leggi questa lettura graduata a livello pre-intermedio per scoprirlo.

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 What has the bunny rabbit got to do with Easter? - Comprehension questions and Answers

1. In which country did the tradition of the Easter Bunny begin?


2. What gifts does the bunny supposed bring to children?

Eggs and toys

3. Why are eggs linked with spring?

Because eggs symbolise fertility while spring is associated with new life.
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published in Letture Graduate 2017
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 11:47


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