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4 vantaggi chiave di essere bilingue - Answers

Lunedì, 15 Maggio 2017
4 advantages of being bilingual 4 advantages of being bilingual This image by pixabay.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Parlare due lingue invece di una sola ha molti benefici pratici. Vediamo quattro dei vantaggi più importanti in questa  reading comprehension a livello alto intermedio.

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4 key advantages of being bilingual - Comprehension Questions and Answers:

1.  What is the percentage of people who have dated a person who can speak a different language?


2. What advantages do the children of bilingual couples usually have?

They have better memory and intelligence.

3. According to the article, bilinguals have greater protection against the effects of two illnesses.  What are the two medical conditions mentioned?

Alzheimer's Disease and stroke

4. How much higher are the salaries for bilinguals in certain jobs?

Up to 20%
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published in Letture Graduate 2017
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