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Guy Fawkes e la Congiura delle Polveri. "Ricordate Ricordate il 5 di Novembre" - Page 2

Venerdì, 18 Ottobre 2019

Chi fu Guy Fawkes? Vuoi conoscere il motivo per cui gli Inglesi, per tradizione, fanno i fuochi d'artificio il 5 di Novembre? Leggi, "The Gunpowder Plot", la nostra lettura di livello pre-intermedio con domande e risposte.

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The Gunpowder Plot: comprehension questions and answers

1. What did the group of Catholics led by Robert Catesby plan to do on 5th November 1605?

1. They planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I.

2. What role did Guy Fawkes play?

2. He was the man guarding the barrels of gunpowder in the cellar under the Houses of Parliament on 5th November 1605.

3. Where did the authorities take Guy Fawkes after his arrest?

3. The Tower of London.

4. These days, how do most people celebrate Guy Fawkes night in Britain?

4. Most people go to see an organised fireworks display and eat hotdogs and other treats.



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published in Graded Reading 2019
Letto 15935 volte


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