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Dall'Età della Pietra all'epoca moderna - L'evoluzione del cibo in Gran Betagna - Page 2

Mercoledì, 24 Luglio 2019
Colleagues have a fast lunch in the office L'evoluzione del Cibo in Gran Bretagna Food photo created by yanalya - www.freepik.com

La storia del cibo britannico. Dobbiamo tornare alle vecchie abitudini? Scopri come il cibo si è evoluto dall'Età della Pietra al Ventunesimo Secolo. Approfondisci l'argomento con la nostra lettura di livello intermedio con domande e risposte.

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The Evolution of Food: comprehension questions and answers

1. Why was the discovery of cooking important for the human race?

1. Food became more digestible and people could eat more, giving them more energy for hunting.

2. What was the effect of adding vitamins to flour and other basic products?

2. Some deficiencies were cured and the general health of the population increased.

3. What does it mean 'to come full circle'?

3. This means to return to earlier habits and ways.

4. What proportion of British people are still not eating the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day?

4. Only 25%

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published in Graded Reading 2019
Letto 12912 volte
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 24 Luglio 2019 11:02


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