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The Grand National - Sabato 6 Aprile 2019 - Page 2

Mercoledì, 27 Febbraio 2019

The Grand National: una parte molto importante della cultura britannica. Scopri perchè nella nostra lettura pre-intermedia, completa di domande e risposte, che tratta di questa popolarissima corsa di cavalli 

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 The Grand National: comprehension questions and answers

1. How many television viewers across the globe will watch the Grand National horse race?

Approximately 600 million television viewers.

2. How are the 30 jumps different from each other?

Some fences are of a different height or width, others include a ditch, a water jump or turn.

3. What was the fastest time recorded in the Grand National and what year was this?

Mr. Frisk completed the course in 8 minutes and 47.8 seconds in 1990.

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published in Graded Reading 2019
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 27 Febbraio 2019 16:38


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