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Stai cercando idee per la tua festa di Halloween? - Answers

Domenica, 21 Ottobre 2018
Teenagers taking a selfie in a Halloween party Halloween party Designed by Freepik

Se vuoi organizzare una divertente festa di Halloween per la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici, qui trovi delle buone idee per attività e giochi senza spendere un capitale.

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Looking for fun ideas for your Halloween party?: Comprehension questions and answers

1. What does the writer suggest we write on the food labels for stuffed olives and spaghetti?

Zombie eyeballs and witches' hair.

 2. What phrase do you need to say when visiting the neighbours in your costume on Halloween?

Trick or treat!

3. During the ghost story, what does each player do with the torch while reading their sentence card? 

The player shines the torch to light up his or her face.

4. At the end of the evening, what can the guests do while they are toasting marshmallows?

The guests can sing the Halloween songs on the playlist.
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published in Letture graduate 2018
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Ultima modifica il Domenica, 21 Ottobre 2018 19:43


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