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Salva i nostri mari! 10 consigli su come ridurre l'inquinamento legato alla plastica - Answers

Domenica, 09 Settembre 2018
Plastic ready for recycling Save our Seas! 10 Top Tips to reduce plastic pollution This image by mauriceangres from Pixabay.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Comincia a ripulire il pianeta oggi con i nostri 10 migliori consigli per ridurre la plastica nell'oceano! Leggi la nostra reading comprehension a livello intermedio con domande di comprensione e risposte.

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Save our Seas!  10 Top Tips to reduce plastic pollution - Comprehension questions and answers

1. At what depth has plastic waste been found under the sea?

11 km under the water.

 2. How many plastic bottles are being used across the globe each year?

500 million plastic bottles.

3. What is the name given to the special bins which can be used to recycle chewing gum in Denmark or the UK? What is the chewing gum made into?

Gumdrop bins.  The chewing gum is reformed into new bins used for collecting more gum.

4. Name two things which can be used to wrap food items instead of cling film.

Aluminium foil or beeswax wraps.

5. What can a reusable 'spork' be used for?

It can be used instead of a disposable spoon or fork to eat picnics and snack foods, especially when you are travelling or not at home.
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published in Letture graduate 2018
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Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 24 Settembre 2018 10:29


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