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Andare in palestra - siamo ossessionati? - Answers

Giovedì, 03 Maggio 2018
A man and woman posing at the gym Do you go the local gym? Designed by Freepik

L'aumento della popolarità della palestra e della cultura del fitness nel Regno Unito. Scopri cosa influenza il nostro comportamento nel nostro esercizio di  intermediate reading comprehension con domande e risposte.

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Going to the gym -  are we getting obsessed? - Comprehension questions and answers

1.  How quickly was the membership of UK gyms found to be rising in the 2015 study?

It was rising by 44% each year.

2.  Name two advantages of the 'budget gym' to the customer.

Prices are lower and there are no long, inflexible contracts for users.

3.  What role does the media play in encouraging us to participate in the current fitness culture?

By promoting an ideal body image and persuading us to exercise in order to conform to the stereotype.

4.  Describe the positive side of peer pressure at the gym or club.

Peer pressure can motivate people to achieve their exercise goals.

5.  What other function of the gym or health club is mentioned in the text?

It acts as a modern day meeting place.
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published in Letture graduate 2018
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Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 08 Giugno 2018 11:35


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