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4 invenzioni britanniche che hanno cambiato il mondo - Answers

Lunedì, 16 Ottobre 2017
4 invenzioni britanniche che hanno cambiato il mondo - Answers Image designed by Jannoon028 - Freepik

Dall'invenzione della televisione al world wide web, invenzioni britanniche all'avanguardia dell'innovazione. Scopri di più in questa reading comprehension a livello avanzato con domande e risposte.

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4 Great British inventions that changed the world - Comprehension questions and answers

1. Why was it important for William Taynton to move around during his television appearance?

This was the first time a person had been seen on television.  William Taynton needed to move around to prove to the world that a moving image could be transmitted using this 'box'.

2. Explain why the Mini became much-loved by the British.

Although small and quite unusual in design, the Mini was soon purchased by a number of celebrities, such as top models, famous footballers, film stars and even the four Beatles. This made it very attractive to the general public and it quickly gained in popularity as people followed their idols.

3. How has James Dyson used his eventual success with the bagless vacuum cleaner to aid the process of invention?

James Dyson has become a campaigner for fairer patenting laws in Britain to help new inventors to bring their products to market.

4. In the first instance, for what purpose was the creation of the world wide web designed?

The world wide web was initially intended to facilitate the exchange of information between scientists.
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published in Letture Graduate 2017
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