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Imparare una lingua ti fa diventare più intelligente? - Answers

Domenica, 22 Gennaio 2017
Learning a language can have a profound effect on your brain, making you smarter. Learning a language can have a profound effect on your brain, making you smarter. This image by pixabay.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Lo sapevi? Imparare una lingua può avere un notevole effetto sul tuo cervello, facendoti diventare più intelligente. Scopri come in questa reading comprehension a livello pre-intermedio.

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Can learning a language make you more intelligent? - Comprehension questions and Answers

1.  Who are best at solving mental puzzles?

(a) Bilinguals

2.  What illness is often prevented by learning languages?

Alzheimer's Disease.

 3.  What does research tell us about people who speak at least 2 languages?

They are 4 times less likely to have memory loss.

4.  What was the percentage of people who thought that learning a second language helps improve the functioning of the brain.

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published in Letture Graduate 2017
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 11:48


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