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Cosa si fa con le calze a Natale? - Reading comprehension- Answers

Giovedì, 25 Agosto 2016
A Christmas stocking is an empty sock that is hung on Christmas Eve so that Santa Claus can fill it with small toys, sweets, fruit, coins or other small gifts when he arrives. A Christmas stocking is an empty sock that is hung on Christmas Eve so that Santa Claus can fill it with small toys, sweets, fruit, coins or other small gifts when he arrives. This image by rousecoutre0 from pixabay.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Sai a cosa servono le calze di Natale? Scopritelo in questa reading comprehension a livello intermedio.

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Christmas stockings - Reading comprehension - Questions and answers:

1. What are Christmas stockings?

They are empty socks hung on the fireplace or bed on Christmas Eve.

2. What did Santa put in the stockings in the legend?

He put gold coins

3. What type of stockings did children use in the past?

Children used everyday socks.
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published in Letture Graduate 2016
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