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Lettura graduata - Pre-intermedio - Luglio 2015 - Answers

Lunedì, 20 Luglio 2015
Lettura graduata - Pre-intermedio - Luglio 2015 - Answers A sign-post near Big Ben by MAO" is licensed under CC BY 2.0

4 Things you need to know if you are moving to the UK

Are you about to move or travel to the UK? Read some practical tips on how to survive in this month's graded reader at pre-intermediate level.

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 Moving to the UK: practical tips - Comprehension questions and Answers

1. What side of the road do people drive on in the UK?

On the left

2. Why is it not a good idea to jump the queue?

People find this rude and annoying

3. What should visitors always bring with them, even in summer?

Raincoat or umbrella


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published in July 2015
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 13:55


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