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Lettura graduata - Elementare - Ottobre 2014

Martedì, 02 Settembre 2014
Lettura graduata - Elementare - Ottobre 2014 "Creative Commons Jack-o'-lanterns" by William Warby is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Come preparare una zucca di Halloween!

Halloween è in arrivo e quale modo migliore di celebrare Halloween se non con una zucca di Halloween? Ecco come preparala nella lettura graduata a livello elementare di questo mese.

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How to make a Jack O'Lantern

Jack O'Lanterns are carved pumpkins and a main part of Halloween tradition. With a bit of care, they are easy to make.

You will need:

  • a large pumpkin;
  • a sharp, short knife;
  • a tablespoon;
  • a teaspoon;
  • a pen;
  • a candle;
  • a bowl;
  • newspaper.

Place newspaper on your work surface. Start by cutting a round hole at the top of the pumpkin, around the stalk. The skin of the pumpkin is quite hard and thick, so be careful.

After the top of the pumpkin has been removed (keep this top!), scoop out the flesh and the seeds using the tablespoon and put into a bowl. Use the knife if necessary.

Draw out a face onto your pumpkin. Use a pen so you can wipe off any mistakes. Cut out the features carefully, using small puncturing cuts, rather than longer slices.

Remove the remaining flesh until it is only 1cm thick. Use the knife to make a circle in the centre of the base, which is the same size as your candle. Use the teaspoon to hollow out the marked area.

Place the candle inside, light it and replace the top. Your Jack O’Lantern is now complete!

You can use the leftover pumpkin flesh and seeds. The seeds can be roasted, and the flesh can be used for a pie or in savoury cooking.

How to make a Jack O'Lantern - Comprehension Questions

1. True or false: the skin of a pumpkin is soft.

2. What two spoons do you need to make a Jack O'Lantern?

3. What can you do with the leftover pumpkin flesh and seeds?

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published in Ottobre 2014
Letto 18375 volte
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 13:58


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