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Word order: exercise 1

Domenica, 14 Ottobre 2018
Family playing in the park Yesterday I went for a walk in the park. Designed by Freepik
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Are the underlined words in the right position or not? Correct the sentences that are wrong.

1. The cat likes fish.
2. The dog ate noisily his food.
3. Yesterday I went for a walk in the park.
4. Mary drives never to work.
5. They were also cold.
6. The boys have played football always in the park.
7. It won't probably rain today.
8. Mary and Tom work both in the city.
9. Tom quickly down the street ran.
10. Mary never eats fish.

Letto 5657 volte
Ultima modifica il Domenica, 18 Novembre 2018 19:43


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