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Lettura graduata - Elementare - Novembre 2014

Domenica, 05 Ottobre 2014
Lettura graduata - Elementare - Novembre 2014 CheeseMaster by YoLeArno licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Strane tradizioni nel Regno Unito

Lo sapevate che esiste una famosa gara nel Regno Unito dove le persone corrono dietro ad una forma di formaggio Double Gloucester? Per saperne di più, leggete la lettura graduata a livello elementare di questo mese.

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The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake is an event that happens every year at Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester in England. It is now a world famous event, but it originated in the local village of Brockworth. In 2013, it was an American man and Japanese man who won one of the four races. A 9 pound round of Double Gloucester cheese is rolled down a hill, with people running down the hill after it. The first person over the line wins the cheese. The cheese can reach speeds of up to 70 mph, enough to injure someone. In 2013 the cheese was replaced with foam, but the prize remained the same.

The UK Wife Carrying Race is held in Dorking, Surrey. It originated in the UK on 8th June 793 AD, when Viking raiders invaded the northeast coast of England, carrying off any unwilling women. The race was introduced in 2008. Men or women have to carry a "wife" (who can be a man or a woman), and run 380m. "Wives" must be at least 50kg, or wear a bag filled with tins to bring them to 50kg. Last place receives a Pot Noodle and dog food.

The Yorkshire Pudding Boat Race was founded by Simon Thackray in the early 1990s. Giant pudding boats are made from flour, water and eggs. Varnish is added to the boats to stop them from going soggy and falling apart. The boats are 3ft in diameter and race across Bob's Pond in Brawby, North Yorkshire. In English folklore, pudding boats were made as rescue boats in times of flooding. Strange traditions in the UK -

Comprehension Questions

1. What do participants of the Cheese Rolling and Wake win?

2. What does the loser of the Wife Carrying Race get?

3. What are the Yorkshire Pudding boats made of?

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published in Novembre 2014
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 13:58


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