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James Wadsworth

James Wadsworth

Hi, I’m James Wadsworth,

I’m a graduate of Oxford University, where I studied Chemistry. I developed my passion for teaching and people when I moved to Italy to study Italian. I’m unfortunately no longer teaching as I had to commit to other areas of our business. My other main interest is technology, in particular the Internet. If used in the right way the Internet is the most empowering tool of our times. It is my vision for people to improve their work lives through the use of technology. For this reason I wanted to create a site where students of English can find English teachers, and give English teachers more power to decide when, where and to whom they teach.

The result of this idea is weloveTeachingEnglish. Please have a look around we hope you find it useful.

Giovedì, 21 Giugno 2012 13:29

La Lettera 'T'

Giovedì, 21 Giugno 2012 13:26

La Lettera 'S'

Giovedì, 21 Giugno 2012 13:22

La Lettera 'R'

Giovedì, 21 Giugno 2012 13:19

La Lettera 'Q'

Giovedì, 21 Giugno 2012 13:13

La Lettera 'P'

Giovedì, 21 Giugno 2012 13:09

La Lettera 'O'

Martedì, 19 Giugno 2012 21:13

La Lettera 'N'

Martedì, 19 Giugno 2012 21:05

La Lettera 'M'

Martedì, 19 Giugno 2012 21:00

La Lettera 'L'

Martedì, 19 Giugno 2012 20:38

La Lettera 'K'

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