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26 de diciembre: ¿Qué es "Boxing Day"? - Answers

Viernes, 15 Diciembre 2017
What exactly is Boxing Day in the UK? What exactly is Boxing Day in the UK? Background image created by V.ivash - Freepik.com

Boxing Day: ¿Qué hacen los británicos durante este día de fiesta? Descubre las tradiciones del Reino Unido del 26 de diciembre con nuestra actividad de comprensión lectora de nivel intermedio con preguntas y respuestas. 

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Boxing Day in the UK: Comprehension Questions and Answers

1.  Are the banks in Britain closed on both 25th and 26th December?


2.  Who originally brought the idea of collecting money in boxes to Britain?

The Romans.

3.  Which two sports usually take place on Boxing Day?

Football and horse racing.

4.  What is the name of the event that involves crazy costumes and  jumping into the sea on 26th December?

The Boxing Day Dip.


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