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El nuevo puente Forth bate records en Escocia - Answers

Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2017
El nuevo puente Forth bate records en Escocia - Answers This image by KlausFoehl is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license

La reina inaugura la apertura del nuevo puente Forth de Edimburgo, que bate records. Lee esta lectura de nivel intermedio superios con actividades de comprensión lectora sobre el puente de Queensferry.

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New Forth Road Bridge breaks records in Scotland - Comprehension questions and answers

1.  What makes the Queensferry Crossing one of the most striking engineering icons of the twenty-first century?

It is the UK's tallest bridge and the world's longest three-tower, cable-stayed bridge

2.  Explain why British people often use the expression 'It's like painting the Forth Bridge'?

British people use this expression to indicate that a task seems to have a never-ending quality, like the process of painting the Forth Bridge.  Once the end is reached it is time to start again at the beginning!

3.  Why does the Queensferry Crossing provide such a smooth and comfortable ride for the motorist?

There are only two joints across the whole deck on the crossing, giving less bumps and disruption as a car passes over the surface.

4.  How were the people chosen to walk over the new bridge on the weekend before the official  opening?

The walkers were chosen by online ballot from the 226,000 people who had submitted an application.

5.  When the new bridge re-opened on 7th September 2017 what was the initial speed limit in force?

The speed limit was 40 miles per hour which is approximately 64 kilometres per hour.
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