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¡No te olvides los calz...pantalones! - Los mejores trucos para viajar al Reino Unido - Answers

Lunes, 24 Julio 2017
¡No te olvides los calz...pantalones! - Los mejores trucos para viajar al Reino Unido - Answers People image created by Nensuria - Freepik.com

¿Conoces las reglas básicas para hacer de tu estancia en el Reino Unido todo un éxito? Averígualo con  la lectura graduada de nivel intermedio de este mes.

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Remember your pants! - Comprehension questions and answers

1.  Why will you need a large bag when you travel to the UK?

 It is because you will need to include clothes for all types of weather.

2. Is it possible to pay in Euros for your entrance ticket for the Buckingham Palace Tour?

No, it is necessary to pay with Pounds Sterling. 

3. What are the three places where you can visit a doctor if your problem is not urgent?

The Doctor's Surgery, the Health Centre or the Out of Hours Drop-In Centre.

4.What is the number to telephone if there is a serious accident?  What are the three services you can contact on this number?

999 is the only emergency number. This gives access to the ambulance, fire and police services.

5. In Britain, what age must you be to purchase alcoholic drinks legally?

At least 18 years old 

6. In British English what does the word 'pants' mean?

 In British English,  'pants' or 'a pair of pants' means underwear!
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