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Visión de 2020: Los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio - Answers

Viernes, 19 Mayo 2017
Tokyo skytree. 2020 Vision: Tokyo Olympics. Tokyo skytree. 2020 Vision: Tokyo Olympics. This image by xegxef from pixabay is licenced under the CC0 Creative Commons Licence.

Los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio: cuatro hechos fascinantes para impresionar a tus amigos. Lectura de nivel elementar con ejercicios de compresión y respuestas.

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Tokyo Olympics 2020 - Comprehension questions and answers

1. How many new Olympic venues will be built for the 2020 Olympics?


2. What are the five new sports  in the 2020 games?

Skateboarding, baseball, karate, surfing and sport climbing.

3.What is the name of Japan’s highest building?

The Tokyo Skytree

4. Name the four languages used for the emergency instructions.

Japanese, Chinese, English and Korean.
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