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1984 George Orwel. ¿Alerta imperante aún? - Page 2

Jueves, 26 Septiembre 2019
security camera George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. Technology photo created by onlyyouqj - www.freepik.com

¿Estudias el 1984 de George Orwell? Observa la relevancia de sus advertencias. Lo que Orwell proporcionó a la sociedad en nuestra lectura de niver intermedio superior con preguntas y respuestas.

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George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: comprehension questions and answers

1. According to the writer, what are the six main themes of the novel which embody the warnings Orwell wished to portray?

1. The dangers of totalitarianism, psychological manipulation, physical control, the control of history and information, use of technology, and mind control though the manipulation of language.

2. Describe how the evolution of Newspeak in the novel prevents the individual from expressing himself or herself?

2. Newspeak is the language invented and controlled by the state. Gradually, vocabulary for actions which are anti-state is removed and it becomes no longer possible to express rebellious thoughts.

3. What year did the Berlin Wall fall and what was the significance of this?

3. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and this event led to freedom of movement for the citizens of East Germany and, later, of other East European countries.

4. What proportion of British people are still not eating the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day?

4. Firstly, the article suggests that the widespread use of the mobile phone and social media has become a form of control, monitoring our activity and using this information to predict our actions.
Secondly, Winston's role in rewriting history highlights the dangers of believing information which cannot be verified. This has distinct parallels in today's issues with 'fake news' .
Thirdly, recent reports of alleged modern-day re-education programmes in the Orient and elsewhere remind us of the brutality and torture suffered by Winston and Julia at the hands of the state.

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