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Stonehenge: pasado, presente y futuro - Page 2

Miércoles, 26 Junio 2019
Stonehenge Stonehenge: Past, present and future Photo by Inja Pavlić on Unsplash

La construcción y el significado de Stonehenge en Gran Bretaña. Aprende sobre su pasado y su futuro con nuestra compresión lectora de nivel avanzado con preguntas y respuestas.

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Stonehenge: comprehension questions and answers

1. What happened in 1986 to highlight the importance of Stonehenge?

1.Stonehenge became listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

2. Explain the terms sarsen, lintel and bluestone.

  1. The sarsens are large naturally-occurring blocks of sandstone which were used to form the uprights in the inner horseshoe ad outer circle of  Stonehenge.  Some of the sarsens were topped by a horizontal lintel stone to form the so-called trilithons or groups of 3 stones. The bluestones were much smaller stones arranged in 2 arcs between the sarsens.

3. What three aids are mentioned in the description of how the sarsens were erected?

  1. Plant fibre ropes, weights and a large wooden A frame were probably used.

4. What does the arrangement of the stones at Stonehenge and their relationship with the summer solstice show us about the builders of this monument?

  1. That the builders had an advanced understanding of time, the seasons and the sky.

5. What do you think is meant by the term 'parch marks'?

  1. These are archaeological markings on the land, usually observable from an aerial view, which have come to light after a period of unusually dry weather. They can be markers for buried stone and can give clues to the previous layout of archaeological structures.



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