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El Chelsea Flower Show abre sus puertas pronto en Londres - Page 2

Jueves, 02 Mayo 2019
a lot of flowers Chelsea Flower Show opens soon in London Background photo created by denamorado - www.freepik.com

Próximamente - Chelsea Flower Show entre el 21 y el 25 de mayo de 2019. Averigua porqué es la mejor de Gran Bretaña con nuestra lectura graduada de nivel elemental con preguntas y respuestas.

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 Chelsea Flower Show: comprehension questions and answers

1. What are the dates for the Chelsea Flower Show in 2019?

21-25 May 2019

2. What are the most important things to see?

The Show Gardens

3. What is the name of the science behind the production of plants and flowers?


4. Which garden can you see from the free tea tasting area?

The Wedgewood Garden


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