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El Mercader de Venecia de Shakespeare: ¿Interesa todavía al público? - Answers

Sábado, 10 Noviembre 2018
Merchant of Venice page 122 Merchant of Venice This image from page 122 of "Shakespeare's comedy of the Merchant of Venice" (1914) has no known copyright restrictions

¿Necesitas echar un vistazo a la relevancia que tiene el Mercader de Venecia de Shakespeare hoy en día para la sociedad? Lee nuestro texto de nivel intermedio superior con preguntas y respuestas de compresión.

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The Merchant of Venice: comprehension questions and answers

1. Which characters did Shakespeare 'borrow' from Italian stories which were already in existence in the 1500s?

The merchant, the poor suitor, the fair lady and the villainous Jew.

2. What experience has had a great effect on the development of Shylock's character?

The persecution Shylock has suffered as a Jew operating in Venice at a time when Jews were hated by Christian society.

3. Why does Shylock want revenge against Antonio?

In Shylock's eyes Antonio is harming the money lending business by lending money to people without charging any interest.

4. Who does the writer suggest are the modern day equivalents of Shylock?

The 'loan sharks' of the 21st Century who prey on the vulnerable by charging very high rates of interest.

5. According to the text, what idea still underpins our judicial systems today?

The idea that justice should always be administered with mercy.
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