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Cómo preparar deliciosas tortitas

Viernes, 10 Febrero 2017
How to make delicious pancakes. How to make delicious pancakes. This image by unsplash.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Echa un vistazo a la receta de uno de los platos más sencillos y que más gustan en el mundo, ¡las tortitas!. Aprende cómo prepararlas con esta lectura graduada de nivel elemental.

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Reading comprehension - Elementary Level

Pancake Day, also named Shrove Tuesday in the UK, is coming soon. Now is a good time to have a look at a recipe for one of the world's favourite and simplest dishes - pancakes, or crêpes as they are known in France.

First, let's have a look at the list of ingredients you will need to make pancakes.:

100g of plain flour

250ml of fresh milk

Two large eggs

1 tablespoon of oil, with some extra for frying

Lemon slices

Caster sugar

Now here are the instructions for making pancakes:

1. Place the milk, the eggs and the flour into a large bowl. Then use a whisk to make the mixture smooth and consistent. Once you have done this, leave it for 25 mins to rest. If you don't have time to do this it is OK. You can start to cook right away.

2. Take a frying pan of normal size, or a crêpe pan instead, and give it a medium level of heat on a hob. Then wipe it with some kitchen paper covered in oil. When the pan becomes hot, pour in the mixture and cook your pancake for a time of one minute on either side. Once the pancake turns to a golden brown colour, it is ready.

3. You can then serve it with the caster sugar and lemon slices, which can be squeezed to cover the pancakes in lemon juice. There are also many other fillings you can try.

How to make pancakes - Comprehension questions

1. You should mix the flour, eggs and fresh milk together. True or false?

2. You must leave the mixture for 30 mins before you can begin cooking. True or false?

3. Lemon and caster sugar are the only suitable fillings for pancakes. True or false?

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