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Habla la jerga local- cómo hacer amigos y tener influencia. - Answers

Viernes, 16 Diciembre 2016
Speak the local lingo - how to win friends and influence people! Speak the local lingo - how to win friends and influence people! This image by unsplash.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

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Speak the local lingo – Comprehension questions and answers

1.  What percentage of people think that learning another language makes going to another country simpler?


2.  What percentage of people think that taking up a second language will improve their chance of finding work?


3.  In what two ways can you remain safe by knowing the local language?

You can stay safer if, firstly, you can read warning signs and, secondly, if you can understand the advice of local people.

4.  According to the article, is the number of international students increasing or decreasing? By what percentage?

It is increasing by 12% annually.
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