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Lectura - Graduada - Intermedio - Superior- Abril - 2015 - Answers

Martes, 21 Abril 2015
Lectura - Graduada - Intermedio - Superior- Abril - 2015 - Answers by Mitrohin_1914 is licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons"

¿Vienen las mujeres de Venus y los hombres de Marte?

Hay quién dice que los hombres vienen de Marte y las mujeres de Venus. ¿Por qué no siempre se entienden ?Entérate con la lectura graduada de nivel intermedio superior de este mes.

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  Do women come from Venus and men from Mars? - Comprehension questions and Answers

1) What is the Menlish?

It is the language that some men seem to speak and that is not understood by women.

2) What does ten minutes mean to a woman?

Some people think that a woman would usually tend to underestimate the time it takes to get ready and she will then take up to more than an hour.

3) If men supposedly come from Mars, where do women come from? 



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published in Abril 2015
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