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Lectura - Graduada - Preintermedio - Diciembre 2014

Lunes, 20 Octubre 2014
Lectura - Graduada - Preintermedio - Diciembre 2014 Christmas Crackers by en:User:Cgros841. This image is in the public domain

¿Cómo se celebra la Navidad en el Reino Unido?

¿Cómo celebran la Navidad los británicos ? Descubre las traditiones navideñas británicas con la lectura graduada de nivel preintermedio de este mes.

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How do they celebrate Christmas in the UK?

Christmas in the UK

Christmas traditions in the United Kingdom are a mixture of many cultures. British people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. The day before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. Children celebrate on Christmas Eve by leaving gifts of mince pies for Father Christmas and carrots for Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer. They hope that he will come in the night and leave them presents to open in the morning.

British traditions

Christmas Day is spent eating food, socialising with family and friends, and giving each other gifts. This is common in many places, but there are some traditions that are only in Britain. Halfway through the day, the Queen makes a speech on television. Many people stop what they are doing to watch this. At dinner, people break 'Christmas crackers' with the person sat next to them. These contain jokes, small presents, and party hats. On Christmas Day, there are also musical comedies, known as 'pantomimes' in local theatres. People go to these to hear traditional stories, and shout catchphrases at certain parts of the story.

Other important days

There are many days of celebration around Christmas time. The day after Christmas Day is called Boxing Day. This is often spent spending money that people have received as gifts, or seeing more family and friends. It is an important day for shops, and they sometimes pay their staff extra to work on this day. New Years Eve is celebrated on the last day of the year. People congregate in their homes, in bars, or around the capital. They celebrate the passing of midnight, and the start of the New Year, by drinking champagne and kissing.

Christmas traditions in the UK - Comprehension Questions

1. On what date is Christmas celebrated?

2. Who makes a speech on Christmas Day?

3. What is the name for the day after Christmas Day?

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published in Diciembre 2014
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