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Lectura graduada - Intermedio superior - Agosto 2014 - Answers

Lunes, 04 Agosto 2014
Lectura graduada - Intermedio superior - Agosto 2014 - Answers 'Creative Commons Rugby 2012 Six Nations France – Italy' by Skadd77 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

El rugby, un deporte británico

Inglaterra es el lugar en el que nacieron muchos deportes populares. Puedes leer más sobre los orígenes del rugby y del fútbol con la lectura graduada de nivel intermedio superior de este mes.


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 Rugby, a British sport – Comprehension questions and Answers

1. What football rule was broken by William Webb Ellis?

He was supposed to catch the ball, stop it, claim “yards” and then kick it between the two posts at the end of the field. Instead, he ran with the ball in his arms and put it down between the two goal posts.

2. What were the consequences of this change?

The teachers at Rugby School thought it was a good idea and developed the rules of a new sport called Rugby.

3. What happened to football in 1863?

In 1863, a group of football clubs met in London to agree on the rules of the game. The Football Association, the world's first official football body, was created.

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published in Agosto 2014
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