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Lectura Graduada - Elemental - Enero 2014 - Answers

Martes, 21 Enero 2014
Lectura Graduada - Elemental - Enero 2014 - Answers 'Creative Commons Rainbow over the Liverpool waterfront' by William Starkey is copyrighted and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


Una de las bandas más populares de todos los tiempos nació en Liverpool, Los Beatles. Aprende más sobre esta ciudad con la lectura graduada de nivel elemental de este mes.

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Liverpool - Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. How many people live in Liverpool?

Nearly 500,000 people live in Liverpool.

2. What is the name of its river?

Its river is called River Mersey.

3. Why is the city famous in the world?

The city is famous for the Beatles, a rock band popular all over the world.

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published in Enero 2014
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