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Elemental- Adjetivos posesivos

Lunes, 01 Junio 2009
This is my dog This is my dog Designed by Freepik

Lecciones de gramática inglesa online para estudiantes de nivel elemental- una explicación de los posesivos con  audio y ejercicios para imprimir.

What is my







This is dog.


Possessive adjectives don't take the -s of the plural with plural nouns (our students, not ours students).

his = of a man

  • His name is Paul.
  • My husband is old. His hair is grey.

her = of a woman

its = of a thing

  • Its name is British Bank.
  • The car is new. Its colour is red.

their = for groups of people, for things

  • Their names are Stephen and Larry.
  • Their rooms are dirty.
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published in Adjetivos y adverbios
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Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 29 Enero 2018 10:01
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