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Lectura graduada - Elemental - Abril 2014 - Answers

Martes, 01 Abril 2014
Lectura graduada - Elemental - Abril 2014 - Answers 'Creative Commons The Clock' by Steve Grosbois is licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0

¿Qué hora es?

¿De qué maneras se puede expresar la hora en el Reino Unido? Averígualo con la lectura graduada de nivel elemental de este mes.


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Time - Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. How many ways can you express time in English?

In English you can express time in three ways: the spoken form - for example "it's three o'clock" - the written form - for example "it's 3.00 pm" - the 24-hour form - for example "it's 15.00".

2. What do am and pm mean?

am means ante meridiem (morning) and pm means post meridiem (afternoon and evening)

3. Which way of expressing time do station announcers use?

They use the 24-hour form.

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published in Abril 2014
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