Like and as - Exercise 1
Escrito por Barbara WadsworthMartes, 25 Octubre 2016

There is no translation available.
To test your knowledge, try to fill in the gaps in the below text. Most of the gaps involve you choosing between ‘as’ and ‘like’, but in one gap either can be used, can you work out which one?

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“During her last shift working ________________ a refuse collector, she had worked ________________ a dog all day. When she arrived home her cat was as hungry ________________ a bear and so was she. Luckily her sausages tasted ________________ good as they always did and she slept ________________ a baby until morning. She awoke early ________________ she had the day the before, but didn’t get up for some time.”
Modificado por última vez en Martes, 18 Abril 2017 10:27