Exercise 2 - Was / Were
Escrito por Stephanie DavidsonJueves, 13 Agosto 2009

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English grammar exercise on-line for elementary level students for the past simple of the verb 'to be'. Complete the sentence with was, were, wasn't or weren't.

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A Who's that?
B It's Wolfang Amadeus Mozart.
A Why _______________ he famous?
B He _______________ a composer.
A _______________ he German?
B No, he _______________. He _______________ Austrian. He _______________ born in Salzburg.
A And _______________ he married?
B Yes, he _______________. He's wife name _______________ Costanza.
A And _______________ they happy?
B I don't know.
Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 09 Julio 2018 16:06