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Exercise 2 - Preposition of Movement

Viernes, 04 Septiembre 2009

They walked _______________ the bridge.
Example: They walked _______________ the bridge. Designed by Freepik
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English grammar exercise on-line for elementary level students for some examples of prepositions. Complete the sentences with the right preposition.


through     into     down     to     over     out of     along


1) I moved _______________ Germany in 1998.

2) The train went _______________ the tunnel.

3) She sailed _______________ the river.

4) He's going _______________ the room.

5) They walked _______________ the bridge.

6) He ran _______________the mountain.

7) The car came _______________ the garage.

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Modificado por última vez en Jueves, 03 Mayo 2018 13:30

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