Ejercicio 2 - Could / Couldn't
Escrito por Stephanie DavidsonJueves, 13 Agosto 2009

Ejercicio de gramática online para estudiantes de nivel elemental sobre el verbo "can". Escribe qué cosas podías hacer a la edad de 3 años en los ejericios siguientes.

Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución - NoComercial - SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional.
1) Write three things you could do when you were two.
Ex. I could run.
a) _______________
b) _______________
c) _______________
2) Write three things you can do now that you couldn't do when you were two.
Ex. I couldn't write when I was two, but I can write now.
a) _______________
b) _______________
c) _______________
3) Write two things you couldn't do when you were two and you still can't do.
Ex. I couldn't sing when I was two and I still can't sing.
a) _______________
b) _______________
Modificado por última vez en Jueves, 03 Mayo 2018 14:04