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Exercise 1 - Writing numbers 20 - 101

Miércoles, 12 Agosto 2009
Notes in different currencies Example: twenty This image by Pixabay is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license
There is no translation available.

English grammar exercise on-line for elementary level students for numbers 20 to 101. Complete the table.

20 twenty

21 - _______________

22 twenty-two

23 twenty-three

24 - _______________

25 twenty-five

26 twenty-six

27 - _______________

28 twenty-eight

29 - ________________

30 - _______________

31 thirty-one

40 forty

50 - _______________

60 - _______________

70 seventy

80 eighty

90 - _______________

100 one hundred

101 - _______________

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Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 23 Julio 2018 11:02

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