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Marcadores del discurso: ejercicio 1

Viernes, 25 Octubre 2019
American Map Discourse markers: You know, Christopher Columbus actually wasn't the first person to discover America. Travel photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com

Elige los marcadores del discurso correctos para completar las frases siguientes:

- (Come to think of it, Right, Well) I don't think I did send him a card this year.

- (Mind you, As I was saying, By the way) are you going to go to the lunch meeting tomorrow?

- (As I was saying, Actually, Right) it was more of a stew than a casserole.

- (You know, By the way, Well) Christopher Columbus actually wasn't the first person to discover America.

- (By the way, Right, So basically) I think we'd better begin.

- (So basically, Come to think of it, Well) it wasn't a shark at all, just a fish!

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Modificado por última vez en Viernes, 25 Octubre 2019 16:47