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Present perfect simple - Exercise 2

Friday, 11 March 2016
Example of present perfect simple: Have you studied here long? Example of present perfect simple: Have you studied here long? This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Exercise 2:

Complete these dialogues by answering the questions using the present perfect tense.

For example, you would answer the question "Have you lived at this address for long?" with an answer such as: “I have lived at this address for seven years."

Have you studied here for long?

What have you done today?

Where have you danced?

Have you lived in this city for many months?

What have you watched on TV this week?

What have your family done today?

How long have you been friends with Sarah?

Where has she come from?

What has she just said?

What has she taken?

Where has he gone to?

Where has he taken that?

Where have they left your shoes?

How have they fixed that shelf?

Read 5217 times
Last modified on Sunday, 02 April 2017 22:24

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