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Present perfect simple - Exercise 1

Friday, 11 March 2016
Example of present perfect simple: I have sung a great song Example of present perfect simple: I have sung a great song This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Exercise 1:

Use the words given to make a sentence in the present perfect simple tense.

For example, you can put together "I / buy / a new car" into the sentence, "I have bought a new car."

I / make / cake

I / walk / a long way

I / sing / a great song

I / leave / the house

You / eat / a hot dog

You / travel / from Paris

You / sit / on a molehill

You / cut / your hair

We / talk / for hours

We / miss / our train

They / be / unkind

They / drive / miles

He / take / the money

He / paint / the house

She / do / the job

She / live / here for years

Read 5579 times
Last modified on Sunday, 02 April 2017 22:23

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