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Used to and to be used to - exercise 2

Thursday, 29 September 2016
I am used to the weather I am used to the weather This image by Jens Johnsson is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Rephrase and Rewrite
Choose the right phrase and verb form to complete the sentences - be careful to use the right form!

I [used to/be used to] the weather ________________________________________________________________________________________

Did you [used to/be used to] smoke? _______________________________________________________________________________________

We [used to/be used to] [to get up] early for school _______________________________________________________________________

He [used to/be used to] [to own] a cat _________________________________________________________________________________________

They [used to/be used to] [to eat] meat. They're vegetarians! ________________________________________________________________

Read 5431 times
Last modified on Sunday, 02 April 2017 22:06

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