Personal pronouns: Exercise 1
Written by Barbara WadsworthThursday, 05 April 2018

Complete the sentences with subject or object personal pronouns.

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1) __________ are going on holiday to Italy next month. (THEY / THEM)
2) After __________ argued with his mother, they didn't speak for a week. (HE / HIM)
3) Stop shouting at __________! (I / ME)
4) What does __________ want for her birthday? (SHE / HER)
5) Since my father got a new job, he's not at home much. I miss __________. (HE / HIM)
6) We used to be best friends, but nowadays I don't really speak to __________. (SHE / HER)
7) How are John and Anna? I haven't seen __________ since last summer! (THEY / THEM)
8) __________ didn't have any pets at home when I was a child. (WE / US)
Last modified on Friday, 13 April 2018 14:52