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Exercise 3 - Question words

Thursday, 13 August 2009
J - Hello Susan, _______________ ?

S - I'm fine. So, John, _______________ now? J - Hello Susan, _______________ ? S - I'm fine. So, John, _______________ now? Background image created by Javi_indy - Freepik.com

English grammar exercise on-line for elementary level students for the use of question words. Complete the dialogue with the questions.

J - Hello Susan, _______________ ?

S - I'm fine. So, John, _______________ now?

J - In South London. In a flat.

S - _______________ with her parents?

J - Yes, and my brother. What about you? _______________ any brothers or sisters?

S - Yes, I have a sister.

J - _______________ work?

S - Yes, she's a teacher.

J - What about you? _______________ work?

S - In a shopping centre in North London.

J - _______________ your job?

S - Yes, I like it a lot.

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Last modified on Monday, 31 July 2017 15:41

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