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Phrasal verbs - Exercise 2

Friday, 07 June 2019
wind damage phrasal verbs: Many homeowners are facing the prospect of extensive home repairs after roof tiles were blown away Background photo created by jeswin - www.freepik.com

Below is an extract from a newspaper article. Correct any instances of wrongly used phrasal verbs.

Yesterday’s gale force winds wreaked havoc on the village of Little Hampton, with many blown down trees currently blocking the access roads and paths in the area. Many homeowners are facing the prospect of extensive home repairs after roof tiles were blown away and fences over knocked. Fortunately, there were no serious accidents and no-one was injured during this period of poor weather.

A local resident said “It sounded like the end of the world, it was really scary. The wind was really acting up, I thought it would offset my alarm or my door would bash in.”

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Last modified on Sunday, 23 June 2019 17:07